Membership Sign Up & Renewal Page

Hello New & Returning OKCC MEmbers!

If you are here to renew, PLEASE LOGIN FIRST. Renewing your membership will extend your current expiration date for one year.

You can login with either your Username or your e-mail address. If you don’t remember your password, click the ‘Forgot Password’ button and you’ll get an e-mail with a link to reset your password.

Note from Membership: If you are an existing member (even if your membership has expired), you will need to reset your password (once) to login to the new website . . . passwords did not make the move. Please click the ‘Forgot Password’ button for an e-mail with a link to reset your password and you’ll be good to go. All of your profile information is still in the system.

Please choose one of the options below from the drop-down list – Individual Membership or Household Membership.

Once we’ve verified your payment, you’ll be able to update your profile.

Check Out Options

Checkout Options
$30 USD / Individual Member for one year
Create Profile
password strength indicator
Additional Info




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We Accept PayPal
Billing Address
Security Verification
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