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Club News & Announcements
Covid Policy
The OKCC is still running trips! Vaccination is not mandatory for general participation but highly recommended. Club members must still follow all state and local guidelines, as well as respect any individual trip leader requirements for participation. Read on below for the full policy.
-Consider wearing masks during shuttles, keep vehicle windows cracked. Be respectful and wear a mask if asked to by the driver or another passenger.
-Shuttle with people in your normal circle of interaction whenever possible.
-Follow all local regulations regarding masking, closures etc.
-OKCC is not currently requiring members to be vaccinated to participate in events, but trip leaders may individually set proof of vaccination/booster shots as a trip requirement if they so choose.
-Please be courteous and respectful to anyone who requires or desires extra precautionary measures be taken around them. Everyone has different health needs and beliefs, we want everyone to feel welcome to participate.
-As of September 2022, Clackamas County is not currently requiring masking indoors. In the event that county or state policy changes, please follow all current local guidelines.
-If masking requirements come back: Leave a mask where you can quickly retrieve it after exiting the pool, or keep one on your person in a waterproof container.
-Please respect the county and Clackamas Aquatic Park’s rules, as the club risks losing pool privileges if we aren’t compliant.
-Although the OKCC is not currently requiring individuals to be vaccinated, it is within any trip leader’s purview to require participants be fully vaxed/boosted on any particular trip they are leading. This must be made clear in advance on any trip posts and communications.
Don’t forget to sign up for Swiftwater Safety!
It’s never a bad idea to touch up on those swiftwater rescue skills! The 3rd annual OKCC swiftwater safety class July 27th-28th 2024 is just the place to do it.
The 2024 Club Campout has moved to June 1st-2nd
The annual club campout date has moved to June 1st-2nd. It will still be held at the Leidl campground on the Klickitat. For full details, please visit the event calendar
Pool Sessions are back for 22/23!
Come get your roll on, pool session are back on for the ’22/’23 season! Come Join us at the North Clackamas Aquatic Park wave pool for roll sessions on alternating
How to Find Out What's Cookin' at the OKCC:
The days of using smoke signals and Yahoo list serve groups are long gone friends! These days there are two main ways to find about official OKCC trips, clinics, pool sessions and other events.

The Club Events Calendar (found on this website) contains listings of events, trips, clinics, pool sessions, etc. It is also used to reserve spots, RSVP to events and purchase tickets for pool sessions.
The club Facebook Group is for current OKCC members and has official club events and trips cross-posted. It’s also a fast and easy way for trip leaders to quickly alert participants about changes to upcoming trips. Members often post unofficial trips, pictures, river beta and used gear listings as well. It’s worth checking out! (Please answer all questions when joining the group so an admin doesn’t deny your join request).